About Fencing Equipment

This is a basic description of the fencing uniform. For information about purchasing equipment, download our buying guide.


The fencing jacket protects the arms and torso of the fencer. Jackets can be made of cotton or stretch nylon with a zipper in the front or the back. Most jackets are universal and can be used for all three weapons.


The fencing mask protects the face and head. It is made of metal mesh and has a thick bib to protect the neck. The inside is padded to make wearing it more comfortable.


The fencing glove is worn over the jacket and prevent the blade of a weapon from slipping into the jacket sleeve. They can be made out of leather or washable fabrics.


Kickers are made from the same material as a jacket and protect the legs to below the knees.


The plastron is a half jacket worn under the jacket and provides extra padding on the fencer’s forward side.


A rigid chest protector is required for women and optional for men. It helps prevent tissue damage and soreness from repeated hits to the body.